Tuesday, July 7, 2015

12 Things I've Learned in My 28 Years (or 12 rambling thoughts I've had as a soon to be 28 year old and you can read them if you want)

My birthday is now one month out, and seeing as 28 is a year I've always looked forward to (not early or mid- twenties, which are kinda the worst, but not 30 yet. 28 is the 20s sweet spot my friends) I thought I'd share some of the limited wisdom I've gained in my short tenure here on earth:

1. You cannot control everything: Ooooof. This one is the hardest for me and I'm not very good at it. But, it's true. As much as we may want to or think we can, we cannot control all the things. Some things? Yes. ALL the things? No. It's just not possible. You control what you can (attitude, preparedness, whether or not you eat that entire tin of holiday popcorn) and then you've got to let the rest go. Because the real truth is this: we are never actually in control. Life can change in an instant despite all of our efforts, so as much as possible, let the worries go.

2. Be a nerd: It's time to embrace that inner geek. You never, ever need to suppress how much you love something. Let's all be honest, this blog is a perfect testament to how much of a nerd I am. It's a near constant weirdo, love-fest. Love Kate Middleton beyond reason? TALK ABOUT IT. Googling Harry Potter fan theories at 3am? GO FOR IT. Do movie musicals make you weep uncontrollably? CRY IT OUT. We all have a freak flag, fly yours proudly.

3. Your skin will never be 100% perfect, and that's okay: It's time to let it go. You are not Cate Blanchett. No perfect skin care regimen exists. Stop trolling Sephora reviews for the miracle you think will solve all of your skin problems. You're beautiful anyway. Do what you can as far as maintenance goes, and by all means spend 3 hours browsing Sephora to your hearts delight, but don't hold yourself to an impossible standard.

4.  Just go to the dentist already: Seriously. Just go. It's never as bad as you think.

5. Beauty fades, but dumb is forever: Imma let Marmee explain this one: "If you feel your value lies in being merely decorative, I fear that someday you might find yourself believing that’s all that you really are. Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish is the wonderful workings of your mind: Your humor, your kindness, and your moral courage. These are the things I cherish so in you." ... I'm crying.

6. Don't call your dad, "daddy": Is your Dad saved in your phone under "Daddy? Fine. Call your Dad, "Daddy" as a term of endearment? I'll let it slide in certain circumstances like; "Hi Daddy! Happy father's day!" But, so help me, if you are over the age of 12 and you refer to your father as "Daddy" in a conversation with me...I'm judging you. For example: "My daddy got this _______ for me!" or the worst: "My daddy loves to spoil me!" WUT. What daddy? Your sugar daddy? I'm confused. Girl, you're a grown woman. You are not a trophy daughter. It's weird. Stahp it.

7.  Worry about yourself: You do you. Don't compare yourself to others. Don't judge others (sorry, not sorry about #6). Don't blame others. Baby August taught me this best.

8.   Flakiness is not bae: Life gets busy, but take the time for people. If you've decided you want a relationship with someone, you've got to put in a little leg work. And if you flake out all the time: don't return phone calls, cancel plans, etc. It sends the message you don't care, even if you do. Yes, watching Say Yes to the Dress for 4 hours is amazing. But so is friendship.

9. It's safe to assume that people are good: Unless you are living in Westeros (I'm looking at you Lannisters), it's safe to assume no one is maliciously or purposefully trying to hurt you. Relax. Most of the time we are all just living our lives and we unknowingly or mistakenly hurt each other's feelings. Forgive people, everyone is human.

10. Dream on: When I was twenty I went to Australia and met a couple who got married, drove their VW van out into the middle of the Australian Bush, then proceeded to have a baby, and build a non-profit that teaches children sustainability and conservation. Oh, and they built a mud house around that same VW van, so now when you enter their home it sits in the middle of the living room. THAT'S HOW THEY LIVE. Meeting them changed my life. For the first time I really knew; we can be and do and live however we want. Your life doesn't have to look like everyone else's to be beautiful.

11. There is always enough to go around: I'll tell you what I tell the swimmers I coach: Other people's happiness or success does not take away from your own. Jealousy happens, but you can overcome it. You know why? You're better than that. Be happy for people. Celebrate them. Not everything is about you. If you always make it about you, you might find it hard to have meaningful relationships. Boom.

12. You can do anything, but not everything: Like so many have said before me; it's okay to say no to things. You know what you can handle, so don't take on more than that. Start to feel overwhelmed? Then it's time to start taking care of yourself. Love yourself. Take care of yourself. Listen to RuPaul.

Can I get an Amen?

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