Wednesday, December 12, 2012

hey bloggity blog,
i'm going to tell you something right now that not many people know about me
(and by "not many people" i mean really anyone i knew from the ages of 14 to 17, and everyone i have known since them that the topic has come up around)
so here goes: for 3 years of my life i was completely obsessed with lotr
(for you non-ringers lotr stands for lord of the rings)

i have decided to bring up this obsession because the hobbit comes out friday and i am suddenly surrounded by lotr stuff which makes me very sentimental and then a little delirious with happiness/laughter remembering just how hilarious i am

there are a couple of people (ladies) who shared this obsession with me, so don't worry blog i did have friends during this time--super.fabulous.friends. i'm sensing you don't believe me so here is photographic evidence:

this is jenni. (baby jenni SO CUTTTE) no one understands my lotr obsession better than jenni. she was my partner in middle earth crime. the sam to my frodo. the gandalf to my halfling weed. the palantir to my saruman. (i'm stopping now) and her text on monday requesting that "musical mondays" become "middle earth mondays" is the inspiration for this post. it was also the reason i broke out the old memory box from high school, and i discovered some real gems. i really hope she sees this at some point and that she laughs hysterically (she is currently in hawaii being a HUGE B.! just kidding--but seriously i want your life and i love you) some of our notes from freshman/sophomore/junior year:

oh yea, that happened. i remember nothing from 2001-2003 except thinking/talking/writing notes about lord of the rings. nothing. at some point i completely lost touch with reality and i was convinced it really happened--that lord of the rings really happened, that it was historical fact. which in itself is hilarious, but i clearly remember explaining this theory to jenni and her calmly listening and agreeing with me. which makes the whole thing just that much better. 

(also, i think the reason i stayed completely away from boys for 3/4 of high school is because i really only wanted to date legolas #lotrkeptmeavirigin)

here is my 16th birthday card from jenni:
so if i have a daughter, i'm definately going to push lotr rings on her right around the time she discovers boys. it's the perfect plan. 

and now for some throwbacks: (just keep refreshing the page over, and over, and over) (stubble update: rugged and manly) (no explanation necessary) (i'm naming my first born son elijah) (name generator, jenni: who's elf name was Puwen? mine? or yours??)

this is my hobbit name:
                          Neacla 'the Young' Brockhouse, Princess of the Halflings
from this point on i will only answer to this name.
please use my FULL hobbit name when addressing me.

shout out to a (adrienne), who was equally as obsessed and watched extended editions with us of all three movies with all the commentary versions each and every frodo friday (sam, merry, and pippin's commentary is the best version, obvs) and who is equally as fabulous and who i just love so much:

it's official, this is my favorite post of all time. look at how freaking adorable we were:

so now the question is, do i see the hobbit at midnight tomorrow? probably. lotrforever.

love, Neacla "the Young" Brockhouse, Princess of the Halflings


  1. Oh Brenna and Jenni. How I remember this. Never quite understanding it, but seeing how much fun you guys had.

    The night of the oscars was probably my favorite memory. It felt like the world was coming to an end when lotr didn't win best picture. Even after the logo cake and all.

    Erin Manus (Stewart)

    1. erin, i forgot about the cake. LOVE. you are so great lady!

  2. OH MY GOODNESS! You are freaking hilarious, I love you! I was dying reading your post. I even had to later read it to Truman. You make me laugh so much Brenna. I read The Hobbit but never lotr, sorry :(, but you are funny and I like you... :)

    Love Amy
