Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Can we talk about Kate Middleton please?

So, I know I already talk too much about Kate Middleton. But...I want to talk about her some more. Alright? Alright.

Kate the great

It's no secret I'm a Kate Middleton fan. I once stopped a woman on the street to tell her she was wearing a dress Kate Middleton wore. Very seriously. I really felt like she should know. Then we talked about her for five minutes before I walked on, satisfied to have spread the gospel of Kate.

I'm a Katie (like Trekkie? Not a thing?). I talk about her a lot. Too much? Hard to say. But I'm about to dedicate a whole blog post to her so, I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

Recently some pictures appeared of Kate with Prince George (see above). Pictures like these make me want to talk about Kate Middleton. A lot. So I usually find a way to bring her up in conversation, which is usually pretty easy since everything she does is news: "did you guys see those new pics of Prince George and Kate today?". So casual.

Then, I gauge the room in my mind; is this a friend or co worker who will appreciate all my Kate  adoration/knowledge? Should I play it cool or really let my weird hang out here? Too late. This is already happening: "She's just the best, I think I own an outfit exactly like that, sunglasses ON THE HEAD, SITTING ON THE GRASS CHASING HER TODDLER AROUND. SHE'S THE FUTURE QUEEN. SHE'S SO NORMAL. IS IT POSSIBLE SHE IS REALLY THAT NORMAL?!". Things get pretty loud. You get the picture.

Some people take this well (i.e. any female who is related to me) while others get a little overwhelmed by my yelling about Kate Middleton's sunglasses. So I make a mental note to play it cool next time and say instead, "Yea, Prince George is so cute." Saddest.

Also, unrealistic and never going to happen. I can't help it. I love her. I like talking about her. So, let's keep talking about her.

Look at these pictures:

Shown above PULLING UP HER PANTS. Because duh. She had previously been sitting on the grass with her 2 year old and skinnies don't always stay skinny enough and we all been there girl. Am I crazy or are pictures like these a breath of fresh air? I might be following too many Kardashian sisters on instagram 'cause this straight up makes me giddy with down to earth glee.

She literally looks to me like any young mom with her kid on a grassy hill. I know, she's a princess and cropped out of these pictures are two huge bodyguards. And I know she has lots of help and full time child care. BUT she also doesn't have a full face of make up on people. SHE IS NEVER EVEN LOOKING AT A CELL PHONE IN THESE PICS. I MEAN. I THINK SHE MIGHT ACTUALLY BE RAISING THESE KIDS. THE PROOF IS IN THE ROYAL PUDDING.

There is one thing: I sometimes wish she would cut her hair. And she's a public figure so I'm allowed to have opinions about what she does with it. But it's also endearing to me that she keeps the same look. Maybe it's her way of holding on to her pre-princess identity (because everyone who reads knows the Queen hates. the. long. hair.). And if we were besties I'd be all like, "It's your hair girl. Do what you want! That old lady don't own you!"

Is the imaginary conversation too far? Sorry, not sorry. Kate forever. Keep on keeping it real girl.

Love, this weirdo American

(Also, sorry about all the caps in this post. Have you read this yet? GO READ IT.)


  1. Brenna you are absolutely adorable! I love it! And don't hate me, but I don't follow the whole royal news, but reading this makes me like you and her more 😉😄❤️

    Love Amy

  2. I'm always more than okay to discuss Kate Middleton with you. Just so you know. :-)
