Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Summer Thoughts

-A summer storm is brewing up outside. I love it so much. The thunder echoes off the mountains and the rain comes fast and cool.

-I think taking a nap in the heat of late summer afternoons while my ceiling fan whirs above me, while James writes and Caesar curls up at the end of the bed, is my new happy place.

-White peaches are a thing of beauty. I've eaten one first thing for the past week and they are what gets me out of bed in the morning.

-James created a backyard for us: grass, patio, fire pit. He is the literal best. Roasting mallows with him at twilight is perfect.

-I noticed that I have habit of looking forward to the next thing, while a current thing is still happening. For example: looking forward to fall while it is currently a beautiful summer. I think it's good to look forward to things, it keeps your mind hopeful and excited, but I've been working on just enjoying what is happening right now instead of looking ahead to what is next.

-I am watching The Bachelorette for the first time. Why am I doing this?

-The 4th is this weekend and I want four things from this holiday: watermelon with lime juice on it, sparklers, a moment of patriotism feels (not hard to find here in Provo), and true summer exhaustion at the end of the day. I do not want: a classic Brenna sunburn. But it will happen anyway. Which reminds me, I need to pick up some cold cream for my inevitable rudolph nose.

-We went to Seattle last week and I miss the ocean so much. And the clam chowder.

-I've been swimming again. It feels good to be back in the water working out. I can't believe how much stronger I used to be. It's shocking.

-I am so lucky to have James. I think if we were living in Jane Austen's era we might be described as "well-matched". Where he is quiet and thoughtful I am loud and joke-y. He balances my neurotic nature with his steadfastness. It's cheesy to write about your husband on the internet, but it's so clear to me lately how much he supports me as I am.

-I still have pasty pale skin. I need to (safely and with sunblock) get that summer glow going.

-I would like to watch a performance of "A Midsummer's Night's Dream" on Midsummer Eve. Is this a thing? I should look into it.

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