Sunday, April 26, 2015

A little kinder

Hi blog! Happy April! I'm just sitting here on a rainy Sunday watching "sisterhood of the traveling pants" (thanks HBO NOW) and thinking about the month ahead and behind. Some mood music for ya:

Remember when April walked down the aisle at her wedding in Parks & Rec to this song. REMEMBER?? The. Best.

April is generally a lovely month, with everything blooming and especially Easter. You know the phrase "April showers, bring May flowers"? I love that one. I have had some showers this month, so I'm looking forward to a colorful, flowering May.  Regardless of showers, the transition seasons are so great. October and April are similar in how they feel don't you think? Have you ever walked outside on a rainy spring day and it felt like fall? That happens to me. I like it.

I tend to crave change as the seasons change. Read a new book, try an new class at the gym, organize my closet, cut my hair, buy a new candle, that kind of thing. So far this Spring I have organized my closet twice, cut my hair real short, and bought more candles then I would like to disclose here today. It just feels like a time to start all over. Try to be a little better.

This Spring everyone is all about this:

Kindness. So hot right right now. 

It's everywhere. Thanks especially to that lovely Cinderella remake. Which by the way, I loved. **even though her waist looked weird small (especially in Imax)** I loved it in the way you have to love a magical Disney flick, with abandon. They really drove home this little gem "have courage and be kind". Too much. I think they say it 3.2 thousand times. 

But repetition aside, kindness is such a powerful idea. Cinderella in general is a pretty boring princess. Which is why when I saw they were making this version I was a little skeptical. Not that skeptical obviously... I saw it opening week. 

But still, Cinderella doesn't really do anything, you know? I think that could be said of most of the older Disney ladies (I'm looking at you Sleeping Beauty). But with this latest version Cinderella's "power" is forgiveness and kindness and selflessness. And here's what I'm thinking: while we should also be teaching girls to be smart and strong and fearless, teaching them to be kind when our natural tendency is to look out first and foremost for ourselves is-- maybe not such a bad idea?

Don't get me wrong. I love a good selfie and instagram is my jam. But, we are a pretty self-centered group. Getting outside of ourselves can be challenging to say the least. So a little reminder from a princess to be kind to others no matter what, is a good thing. 

I do wish we could see Cinderella snap at the the bank teller or cry at the dentist or something. It would make her a bit more relate-able and make me feel better personally, but then it wouldn't be a fairy tale. I can appreciate that. Maybe the scene where Cinderella flips someone off and yells obscenities on the freeway was cut due to time constraints. 

Either way, what Cinderella can teach us is kindness goes a long way. What are we here for if not to make each others burdens a little lighter? Everybody's got stuff. The guy who bags our groceries, the neighbor you see in passing, that girl who makes your bagel at the coffee shop, even a Princess. 

(Except Kate Middleton. She is perfect and has no stuff. Just kidding, even her. But probably not. But yea, her too. But, no. #ROYALBABYSOEXCITED)

The trick is to try not let your own stuff overshadow everyone else's stuff so that you don't start to think yours is the only stuff that matters. So eloquent, right? I should write a book.

We can't know what's going on with everyone we meet, we can't fix everything for everyone and we're not supposed to, but we can do one thing. Guess what it is? Come on, guess! Stumped you? Have you not seen the movie?? Okay here's a hint: have ____________ and be ________________.


  1. I haven't read your blog in a long time. I forgot how fun it is to read. You have good thoughts and messages all the time. ❤️

    1. Catey you are the sweetest! Blog a little! I miss reading yours!😘😘
