Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Well, hey blog. I've been gone awhile again so... this is awkward. I don't want to promise you I'll write more because you and I both know by now that I'm a big fat liar. So I'll just skip all that and tell you what's been up!

It's my "favorite" time of year. And by "favorite" I mean not really my favorite. From about January 11th-the end of February is the worst. I mean, right? Right. My whole life it's just been the hardest time of year for me. So that makes March my "favorite" time of year in comparison with the awfulness that is Jan-Feb (And we both know August-October is my real fav: Summer/FallFOEVA).

So, February is awful but then... March hits. March is a beautiful thing. There is a morning each and every March that I wake up and the air smells great. And I think, "have I not smelled the air since November? I don't think I've actually taken a breath through my nose since Nov. 16th." That morning happened this morning. It smells like grass and rain and growing things and loveliness. Like spring might actually come. It's the best.

Also, my favorite literary heroine is Jo March. Duh.

Also, also March means one thing wherever I am: St. Patrick's Day. I celebrate all holidays, probably too much. I know this. I can't help it. It's just a part of who I am. But I especially love St. Patrick's Day. It's always been this beacon at the end of winter that says, magic is coming! Sweeping countryside and hearty food and chilly beautiful clear blue skies are coming!

My mom made a big deal of St. Paddy's day for my siblings and I growing up. Because she's Irish, so we're Irish, and Irish people are the best anddon'tyouforgetit. Don't get me wrong, we were Irish every day of the year, but we were especially Irish on the days leading up to and surrounding March 17th. She did the whole thing: green milk, corned beef & cabbage, and THE BRITISH ARE THE WORST. I'm so grateful for this. Her instilling in me a sense of self, a sense of who I was because where and who I come from. So much so that my Irishness has become a part of how I identify myself. That's a beautiful thing parents give children: this is who you are, this is where you come from, this is what makes you family and also what makes you special. Thanks mom :)

So since she made a big deal of March 17th, I make a big deal of March 17th, because that's how family works.

I may have taken things too far this year. I currently have a very large Irish flag flying in my front yard. James is prettttty embarrassed about it but WHATEVS! I DO WHAT I WANT! GREEN-WHITE-ORANGE BABY!

Long story short, here is what is currently up with me.

I am: taking deep breaths on March mornings, relaxing now that the swim season is over,  doing a little yoga again, listening to this while driving as the sun sets on the mountains (EPICNESS), watching a lot of friends, pinteresting dessert recipes I can't have until Easter, wishing I had not given up sugar for lent every time I see Royal Dark Cadbury eggs,  hoping the bulbs I planted in fall will survive the Provo spring freezes, trying to be more randomly and intentionally kind, and really really wanting to buy this. Because we don't have an Irish Blessing in our new house and it is a travesty.


  1. Hi Brenna! Thank you so much for featuring my Irish burlap art on your blog! I'd love to send you the artwork you've been eyeing - please send me a message through my shop at so that I can get the address to send it to :)


    1. Brittany, thank you so much! The message has been sent :)
