Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Books, books, books

books books books
here are some books i have read lately:
yes, i did this.
full disclosure i did not read the first book because i picked up the second at a 
"leave a book, take a book" library during our europe trip
but i've seen the hbo series so i pretty much didn't need to 
now i am mad at myself for doing this because i hate reading series that are still being written
seriously george? how much longer?
but it's so good, everything a fantasy series should be, supes love

same writer as gone girl
maybe more than gone girl

borrowed this one from my mil
i've read her blog sporadically so it peaked my interest
it's an incredible story
and it's a quick, easy read

 you should read this
i know she's totes trending right now
but it's for good reason
i love

i read this on trains in europe
which was perf
and i love a good historical fiction

'cause at some point i'll need to answer this question for myself :)
this is a great book for anyone starting to think about having a family
the answer: have kids because you want to start a family, not because you worry about what other people will think if you don't/do, or to fix/maintain a marriage, or just cause you're starting to feel the pressure of age, etc. 

pretty much this #eleanorknowsbest:

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