Monday, May 17, 2021

That, my friend, is a dark side.

I am not a Rory, but I am trying to be. I am naturally a Lorelei. I simply excel at fun. I do not believe in moderation. For example; if I like a song I wear that song OUT. Over and over and over again. Headphones in, loud as possible, kicking small children out of my way so I can dance.

However I do have extensive experience with Rorys. I am married to a Rory. My kind of consumption? He does not understand. If he likes a song, he listens once and then he wants to save that feeling it gives him and wait to listen again until the next day. I will never, ever understand this. It's the same with media; this man can watch one episode of something. ONE. I watched an entire season of Downton Abbey in one night, slept for two hours, carbo loaded with a baked potato, and immediately finished the next season. 

I think the problem is he doesn’t think enough about death. Clearly, I am also a Harry Burns. You could die in your sleep tonight James--you ever think of that?? Coming from the person who sleeps next to you, I’m sure this sounds threatening, and I’m glad. 

It’s like the marshmallow test. I hate the marshmallow test. Everyone looooooved the marshmallow test, remember that?

“They did a study and the kids who didn’t eat the marshmallow and waited had mOrE sUcCeSs LaTeR iN LiFe!”

I immediately despised that stupid study. I know which kid I am. 

Only Rorys like the marshmallow test because it makes them proud to be Rorys. And listen, I get it, I too am always looking for studies or personality tests to provide me with evidence for how great I am. I don't judge! But so help me, you will die someday Rorys, it’s simply a fact. And when you die no one will care if you ate the marshmallow or not.

Anyways, I’m trying to be more of a Rory. My Lorelei sun is hard to tame. She’s always planning some distant party, trying to score tickets to Bravocon, or going very hard for birthdays/holidays/Tuesdays. But I believe I have a Rory moon waiting to be explored. 

The problem with being a Lorelei is: 

-Absolutely nothing. We’re the best. There is no greater date to a wedding than a Lorelai and I will fight you on it.

-It's hard to focus. 

I am attempting to focus, to write more, to hold myself more accountable. I put a sticker on my laptop of Rory to remind me I can be two things. We can all be both and be better for it. 

As yes, if you must know, my rising sign is Miss Patty.

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