Monday, August 20, 2012

so, i am one to admit that sometimes i can get a little obsessed with things
types of chocolate (this), restaurants, famous people (babs, kate middleton...), 
but mostly tv shows.
i really like tv shows.
they are addicting.
i especially like tv shows with no commercials.
every time is fades to black, and then comes right back, i just feel so happy inside.

so naturally netflix/dvds are a good fit for me
and are also very, very bad for me

i am ashamed to admit (not really) 
that i have passed this obsession on to james
and that together we have now watched every episode of lost...

all 122.5 hours
this will forever be the summer of lost
and this is what our faces looked like while watching:

** self portrait for our buddy adam (who got us hooked on the series), after the season 3 finale cause he couldn't be there to watch it w/ us like the others**

i would like to clarify that we actually finished the series in july
but i needed some time to process
and now i'm ready to talk about it:

it's good. you laugh, you cry, you're scared out of your mind, and you have no idea what is going on. for 6 seasons. you have no idea what is going on for SIX seasons. this was my main struggle with it, and i have to admit that the first 4 seasons were my favorite. after that things got a little crazy. and mostly i was just watching because i was invested in the story/characters, and both of those were established in the first 4 seasons.

BUT there is an episode in season 4 (episode 5) that is the best thing ever. ev-er. please watch it. i am naming my son desmond because i just love it so much.

if you don't watch the episode, just watch this:
and then go watch season 4 episode 5.

1 comment:

  1. LOST is AMAZING!! And thank you for brightening up my day with that awesome clip :).
