Thursday, March 1, 2012

book review time...

like scale: 5 of 5

changed my life scale: 5 of 5
recommend: yesyesyesyes
fav line: not a line-when jeanette's dad gives each kid a star for christmas. but she picks the planet venus, and he says it's hers to keep. OR when jeanette sends her big sis to new york with her babysitting job after that same father steals the money they have been saving for the trip.

so, i loved this book. very very much. my favorite of the year so far and i'm only 2 months into 2012. my sis and my jenni both expressed to me how much i would love this book-and it is no surprise considering their excellent taste. my favorite part of this book was the honesty of the feels like reading a journal. i loved how walls composed a memoir of a difficult childhood (very difficult), that ultimately leaves the reader feeling uplifted. i liked watching jeanette come to terms with her embarrassment over her family, and it is written in a way that would allow all readers to relate-even if they grew up in different circumstances. because really, can't we all understand on some level being embarrassed of our past or our family? i loved the eccentricity and cringed over egocentricity of her parents and the lives they lead. i can't say enough good stuff about this one. next up: the year of magical thinking (i'm working a book list titled "25 books to read before you are 25" and i need to get a move on)

1 comment:

  1. Love love that book. So i just interviewed for an internship last week and I got it! Any friendly advice? ;)
