today, in honor of friday and beautiful 86 degree weather, i got myself a strawberry surf rider.
it is my favorite jamba because it tastes like summer in a cup. then i got to thinking about my new school and my alma mater...
once upon a time i was an aztec
and every morning i would wake up at 8:40am for my 9 o'clock class and walk towards this:
and SDSU has about 800,000 of these on campus:
**by the way have you had this?(see below) cause you should.**
now, i like a venti peppermint hot chocolate on a cloudy day as much as the next girl, but i was a

so after that first taste i started waking up at 8:35am, making a b-line for peabody's, and being 5 minutes late to every 9 am class. and it was glorious.
basically what this whole post is about is; i love school. i really do. i love the bookstore, the backpack, the snacks in between classes, the feeling on campus, the skipping out early to get some jamba, the friends you make, and i love that byu has jamba-juices instead of coffee shops. it pretty much embodies how happy and grateful i am that i experienced san diego state college life and that i also get to experience byu.
another entertaining tid-bit about byu? caffeine-free coke in the cougareat
just a couple san diego memories:

mmm king crab legs

miss this lovely girl

graduation love
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