these little suckers are making me miserable.
ragweed. since moving to beautiful utah I have discovered I have these terrible things called allergies. these allergies are also called hay-fever, which I used to think was such a fun description because it sounds like cabin fever or something a cow would suffer from, but now I know better. it's terrible.
so early yesterday morning in between sneezes, I kindly informed my husband that I am now (like my grandma mary) "allergic to everything but the beach". then the zyrtec kicked in and I went back to sleep.
when I came home from class that night there was a little surprise waiting for me:

air purifier.
and james said, "I know it's not the beach, but we could pretend it is until we graduate!"
husband you are a genius- this thing is amazing! and I think I will make a label for it that reads 'the beach.' now I just can't wait until october when I can feel like this outside again:
I HATE Utah allergies! And the worst part is, when you come back to Cali, even for a visit, you will discover California allergies! (Or at least I did...) How sweet of James to get you the air purifier! I wish I had thought of it...