Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer weekend: went on a hike to Bridal Veil Falls. ate cherries and almonds and it was beautiful. James went all the way under the falls, so I had to too, I'm that competitive. Also, James has a farmer's tan from golf class, it is super hot. Watched Iron Man then Iron Man 2- we love the dollar theater, especially in summer. 10 days till we move into Harmony Square-yessss!

P.S. Christmas in July? that means beautiful tomatoes from the CSA-guacamole night!!!


  1. sad day u guys went to yosemite and didnt even stop by to say hi to me in fresno.... :( jk

  2. Ben!!
    1.) we didn't do the hike in yosemite, there's a bridal veil here in Provo too
    2.) even though I'm not technically a "phillips" anymore, can we still hang out??
    3.) do you guys have a blog? if so I would like to follow it!
